The benefits and drawbacks of olive oil

Oils of different kinds abound in grocery stores, including the conventional olive and canola oils, nut oils such as walnut and peanut oils, and tropical oils such as palm and coconut variants. Olive oil, which is high in heart-protective monounsaturated fats, is one oil that nutritionists recommend for its health benefits.  Extra Virgin Olive Oil Health Benefits are countless in itself.

Butter or olive oil?

Although the quantity of calories in butter and olive oil is comparable, their other nutritional properties are significantly different. One tablespoon of butter has 100 calories and 11 grams of fat, seven of which are harmful saturated fat. Butter contains 30 mg of cholesterol per tablespoon portion, which should be taken into account if you’re following a low-cholesterol diet. Because it includes beneficial trace elements and unsaturated fat, olive oil is frequently recommended in place of butter for culinary uses.

Cardiovascular disease prevention

A few years ago, observational research revealed that heart disease is less frequent in Mediterranean nations. This prompted an intensive study on the Mediterranean diet, which has since been proved to considerably lower the risk of heart disease. One of the important elements in this diet is extra virgin olive oil, which protects against heart disease in a variety of ways.


Olive oil, like many other oils, retains moisture. It doesn’t do much to hydrate your skin on its own, but it does help to seal in water or moisturizer. The best approach to incorporate it into your regimen is to put it on top of your moisturizer, where it will seal in moisture.

Olive oil is beneficial to the scalp

Because of its antibacterial and anti-contagious characteristics, olive oil has a particularly soothing effect on your scalp. Its hydrating effect soothes irritation, regulates dryness, combats dandruff, and unclogs clogged follicles. These blocked follicles and dandruff are two primary contributors to baldness. As a result, they should be managed to avoid growing bald.

Not suitable for infants

Babies have the most delicate skin, thus applying olive oil to them can be dangerous. It can cause skin rashes, redness, and irritation. This is because we do not yet know whether or not the infant is allergic to this oil, particularly in newborns. And, truly, why take chances when there are safer alternatives, such as coconut oil, to massage your tiny angel?

Can Lead To a disease and Weight Gain

When ingested in large quantities, olive oil is heavy in fat and has substantial purgative characteristics, which can cause gastrointestinal troubles. Even though it contains healthy fats, olive oil is high in calories, therefore using it in moderation is advised for those looking to lose a few pounds.


While you now have a good understanding of the benefits and drawbacks of olive oil, you should also understand that it is still a fantastic and nutritious alternative. Simply seek extra virgin olive oil and use it solely for cooking on low or medium heat to preserve the oil’s benefits. Buying the right olive oil and storing it properly is critical if you want to gain all of the benefits of using olive oil.

Who are best money lenders?

Money lenders are saviours getting us out from the hardships of life helping us make it to the next phase. This sometimes means providing funds to meet emergencies or at other times ensuring that the once in a lifetime deal doesn’t slip away from us just because of the shortage of funds. There are various money lenders in the market that are good at money lending in toa payoh central that can help you in your financial woes. But it always pays to get information on who to go to from the available options as the chances of securing a better deal gets up on the table.

While factors like interest, Document requirements, verification, history vary from lender to lender there are some factors that differentiate some from the rest. Ensure the following and work out a favourable deal.


Money Lenders need to be certified so that they are in compliance with the rule and regulations of the local government. This is another way to ensure that their practices are fair and proper and not devious or that they cannot coerce any under the table deals exploiting the borrowers. Licenced money lenders are available on government portals with their details, and this information is publicly available.  


Money lenders see applicants from all works of life, including people looking to borrow hefty sums of money for business purposes to individuals looking to make it to the end of the month needing as little as a couple hundred dollars. One thing that money lenders have to be is to be flexible according to needs and requirements of the people walking in through their doors. This involves working on terms and conditions that are favourable to both parties according to the need and a good money lender ensures that they work out a deal as there is always a chance for a repeat customer.


When picking a moneylender, it’s a good idea to compare their services. This is the most effective technique to obtain fantastic services from a large number of moneylenders on the market. There is no definite answer to the question in the topic but there are ways that you can ensure to get the best deal. When looking for a loan from a moneylender, be cautious. As a result, your financial interests will be protected. Only do business with a licenced moneylender.