Coupons for Nootropics and Brain Health

Whole television shows have been based around how expensive it can be to get certain medications under insurance in America, not to mention the mark-up that pharmaceutical companies decide to put on medications, so it is hardly surprising that a huge industry has sprung up importing the exact same pharmaceutical drugs that sell for over $100 a pill.

Because they are manufactured in India or Mexico there may people who are concerned about quality control, but the reality is that so few of the drugs sold in American pharmacy’s are actually made in America anyway. So, where do you go to get discounted pharmaceuticals or coupons to buy discounted medications? Online, of course, have a look around. For example, sites like have coupons for Modafinil and Armodafinil.

Nootropics and Brain Health

When talking about buying medication online it’s not always about cancer drugs and insulin. One of the popular types of medication to look at online sources for are nootropics. Otherwise known as “smart drugs”, these are not just the realm of science fiction stories, but have been manufactured in various forms since the 1970s.

Of course, there has been a long history of people taking herbs and supplements in the hope that they would somehow wake up smarter. However, what nootropics try to do is improve your brain health, to increase the ability to retain information to recall facts faster and to generally speed up your ability to think. We’ve all had the experience of thinking of a witty comeback to an argument hours, or even days, after the fact and wished we had been able to think of that snappy reply right there and then, or remembered the answer to a test question just as you walk out of the examination room. This is where nootropic medication is thought to be able to assist.

Does It Work?

As with everything the answer to can nootropics help improve cognitive function is a big resounding “it depends”. Because of the nature of the medication there has been limited research. Although there is research that shows if you have impaired cognitive function certain medications will assist, for example amphetamine is able to help improve concentration of people with ADHD.  

Two of the common substances used to improve cognitive brain function are Modafinil and Armodafinil.

Modafinil is a prescription or over the counter medication (depending on your location) that is FDA approved to treat narcolepsy and obstructive sleep apnea. Because of its effect on combating sleep deprivation and fatigue it may now be used by various military organisations around the world. It works in a similar manner to amphetamine, which has suggestions of being able to improve memory recall and motivation. However, research is still undergoing in-regards to both short term and long term effects of taking modafinil – and it is considered unsafe to take at any stage of pregnancy.

Scientific America considers modafinil to be very safe (read the article here), and looking at the available research there is a strong indication that it is safer than amphetamine. Interestingly the majority of research seems to be more interested in the drugs ability to improve higher cognitive function that in its ability to keep troops awake and functioning longer. It will also unfortunately be several years before we have access to research that can give an indication of what the long term effects of taking modafinil on an otherwise healthy body are.

Armodafinil is based on modafinil, but the effects of armodafinil last longer. It has also been approved by the FDA to treat conditions that cause excessive daytime sleepiness. Like any medication there are a range of side effects possible that are already known of, which may include anxiety, hallucinations, anorexia, shakes and aggression. However, many of these side effects may also be due to extreme lack of sleep rather than the medication itself.

Nicotine has also been used for years to increase alertness and processing function – but the effects and dangers of using nicotine in its inhaled form have now long been known. However, you can also purchase nicotine in high dose caffeine-based drinks and dietary supplements.

What Should I Use?

What you can take will depend on what you are needing it for. A short term study session is different to a long term and intensive military combat situation. Do your research and monitor your reactions.